Station 6
700 Oak Grove Avenue
Menlo Park, CA 94025

Menlo Park Fire Protection District Station 6 serves areas of the Fire District that include portions of the Town of Atherton and City of Menlo Park, including the downtown area where the Station is located at 700 Oak Grove Ave.

newst6.jpgThe new Fire Station was constructed and occupied in June of 2018. The two story, two bay, 8,300 square foot partial drive through building was designed by CJW Architects and built by Construction Company Gonsalves & Stronck Co., Inc at a cost of $7.54 million dollars.  The original Fire Station Six was designed by Leslie I. Nichols A.I.A. and  built in 1953 by the contracting firm of ARO & Okerman. It was a small 3,000 square foot, single story, flat top, back in building designed to only accommodate three fire personnel. It was torn down in November 2016. Station 6 Engine.jpg

The Station is staffed by 3 firefighters, 1 Captain and 2 firefighters. One of the three personnel is also a licensed paramedic providing Advanced Life Support (ALS) services. The Fire Engine is a 2005 Pierce Dash. Station 6 was the second busiest Fire Station in 2016, and responded to 1,269 emergency incidents.


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