Message from the Fire Marshal: The Bureau of Fire and Life Safety manages the District's annual fire inspection, community education, and emergency preparedness programs. In an effort to accomplish an inspection on all commercial occupancies within our District on an annual basis, the engine companies are assigned annual fire inspections that generally require high-level technical applications of fire code, or that require a greater amount of time to complete, as well as follow-up on the inspections conducted by the engine companies. Not only that, but staff also handle commercial and residential inspection, fire investigations, hazard mitigations, code enforcement, safety education for schools & businesses, and free emergency preparedness classes including CERT, Red Cross Ready, First Aid/CPR/AED, and Stop the Bleed.
The MPFPD is currently operating under the 2022 California Fire Code (CFC) and local ordinance by ratification for the Town of Atherton, City of East Palo Alto, City of Menlo Park and areas of unincorporated southern San Mateo County. Local Ordinances for MPFD can be found here.
Links: SMC Community Risk Assessment tool - CRAIG1300