School Programs
Sound the Alarm
Smoke alarms should be present on every floor of your home, in every bedroom, and in every hallway. The Red Cross provides free smoke alarms and installation to community members in need within our District. 

Helping Hugs Dalmatian Program
The goal is to provide a dalmatian or other stuffed animal to each child involved at the scene of an accident or traumatic incident. A dalmatian is given to children to relieve some of the trauma and confusion they may experience.

Bicycle Safety
The Menlo Park Fire Protection District does not issue bicycle licenses. Please visit your local police department for more information about obtaining a bicycle license. 
Bicycle Information Center
Bicycle Helmet Safety Institute

Burn Prevention

Hot water burns like fire. Turn your hot water heater down to a comfortable temperature to prevent unnecessary scalds and burns. Always supervise children with water and teach them to turn on the cold water first, then the hot to make the water warm. Test bath water before putting children in to bathe.

Alisa Ann Ruch Burn Foundation

Firefighters In Safety Education (FISE)
Firefighters In Safety Education is a program in the Menlo Park Fire Protection District for children from Pre-K to 3rd grade.  This program teaches children about 911, Tools and Toys, Smoke Alarms, Stay Low and Go, and Firefighters are our Friends.